I was hanging Rylee's clothes for Dittos For Kiddos (a huge consignment sale) and looking at her small onesies that don't fit I lost it! I called David and told him that he should have to help me go thru some of these so he could feel the way I do and his response was "They're not my daughter, all they are are some clothes she wore once and spit up on." The silly thing is that's how he REALLY feels. So why when I look at them do I see my tiny baby that used to fit in them? Why does a piece of clothing evoke such sad feelings? Are women really wired that much differently than men?
On another big-girl note, Rylee slept thru the night last night. That makes a whole week. I miss those feedings more and more every day! She has also begun rolling all over the place. Last night she just kept rolling to the right until she hit a chair. And instead of rolling the other way, she just kept trying to roll right. It was too funny! Guess it's time to really BABYPROOF things!! =)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
A walk and a duck!!
So last night was interesting. David and I made it about 35 minutes before we couldn't take it anymore. David just kept saying "I think she's hungry" =) Code for I can't take it anymore. So we got her up and she ate 8oz and I layed her in her crib while she was still awake and she went right to sleep on her own. This only adds to the cufusion on if I'm doing the right thing for my baby. We will just take it one day at a time. On a lighter note Rylee and I went for a walk today. She LOVES being outside! Here is a picture of her ready for her walk:
She loved her walk and I thought she looked so cute in her hat! The other pictures are of her new favorite thing. We had been giving her a bath in the sink in a rubbermade tub and she was clearly outgrowing it. So I found this at Target and it is FABULOUS!! I don't have to bend over the tub to keep her from falling from side to side and she can kick and spash all she wants!! It is the cutest thing ever! She is either going to be a swimmer or a bicycle champ =). Enjoy!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Belated Six Month Shots...
Well, Rylee got her 6 month shots plus the first part of the flu shot on Tuesday. She did well with them. She cried a little longer this time, but all was well. The doctor gave her a book and she loved it! She thought it tasted yummy. She also thought his stethascope was good. She can fit the whole thing in her mouth. =) She weighs 18lbs 3oz! No wonder my back has been hurting. The only thing the doctor said that is breaking my heart is that she is waking up in the middle of the night to eat out of habbit. He strongly suggests that we let her cry/sooth herself back to sleep. I haven't minded the feedings at all. She wakes up anywhere between 1am and 4am and eats and goes right back down (most of the time). It's a time I enjoy. It's just her and me and it's quiet and our time that we have always shared. It's sad to be loosing that time. I don't want her to grow up yet. She is only 6 months and I'm having a hard time letting go of these stages. I can't imagin how I will be when she's older!?!
On a lighter note he said that we could start introducing finger foods (ie. peas, cereal puffs, stage 2 baby foods) so last night when David was home we tried the cereaf puffs and that was a great face!!! She wasn't so sure about the texture! But once it softened she was good. She would NOT put them in her mouth, which is shocking to me because EVERYTHING goes in her mouth (including mommy's chin). She would hold them in her hand though. Say a prayer for this weekend as we try and let her cry thru the night. I plan on leaning on the grace of God and resting my sad heart in His hands.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Rylee's First Snow!!!!
We have snow!! I had a snow day with the family (and of course Rylee woke up at 5:45am)! I really wanted to make a snowman for Rylee, but the snow was too powdery (sure it's a word). It was really bright outside so we put Zeah's sunglasses on Rylee and I tried not to wet myself. She was soooo funny! She just kept looking around at everything! I'm sure she was trying to figure out what happened to everything and why it looked so different! It was hilarious! Next, we bundled her up like the little brother from A Christmas Story and out we went. She seemed to enjoy it. I hope next year she's able to run in the snow and we can make a snowman. BUT I'M NOT IN ANY HURRY!! Do you hear that Rylee? Don't get any ideas. Grow SLOWLY my lovey baby!
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